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  • 학술
  • Benjamin Lee Professorship
  • 학술

    Benjamin Lee Professorship

    Benjamin Lee Professorship

    한국의 대표 이론물리학자인 고(故) 이휘소(Benjamin Lee) 박사의 학술업적을 기념하고, 아태 지역 물리학계의 발전을 위하여 국내외 저명학자를 석좌 방문교수로 초빙하여 공동연구를 수행하는 프로그램입니다. 석좌 방문교수의 센터 방문 기간 동안, 집중 세미나 및 강의, 대중 강연 등의 프로그램이 진행될 예정이며, 관련 분야 교수 및 연구원, 학생들의 방문을 통한 공동연구의 기회를 제공합니다.

    Benjamin Lee distinguished professorship is created in honor of Korea's foremost theoretical physicist, late Benjamin Lee, who had a distinguished career in particle physics theory. The program is intended to invite a theoretical physicist of international prominence to stay at APCTP for an extended period. The visit is expected to provide opportunities for the domestic scientists and graduate students to interact with an world-caliber theoretical physicist in their fields of study. The Benjamin Lee professor may give lecture sessions and/or organize small workshops built around the theme of his/her research during the stay.

      1. Hirosi Ooguri

      2. Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology

      3. and Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo

      4. Quantum field theory, quantum gravity, and string theory

      Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : Oct. 20(Wed.), Nov. 1(Mon.) – 2(Tue.), 2021 Program :

      Oct. 20 11:00 – 12:00 (KST) Nov. 1 10:00 – 11:30 (KST) Nov. 2 10:00 – 11:30 (KST)
      [APCTP-KPS Plenary Talk]
      Constraints on Quantum Gravity
      [Lecture 1]
      Physics and Mathematics of Calabi-Yau Manifolds Ⅰ
      [Lecture 2]
      Physics and Mathematics of Calabi-Yau Manifolds Ⅱ
      Online(ZOOM) & #512 Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg., POSTECH, Pohang Online(ZOOM) & #512 Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg., POSTECH, Pohang Online(ZOOM) & #512 Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg., POSTECH, Pohang

      1. Steven G. Louie

      2. University of California at Berkeley

      3. Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science

      Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : Nov. 5(Thu.) – 10 (Tue.), 2020 Program :

      Nov. 5 11:00~12:00 (KST) Nov. 9 10:30~ (KST) Nov. 10 10:30~ (KST)
      [APCTP-KPS Plenary Talk]
      The Fascinating Quantum World of Atomically Thin Two-dimensional Materials
      [Lecture Ⅰ]
      Understanding and Predicting Quantum Excited-State Phenomena in Materials: Correlated Multiparticle Excitations and Time-Dependent Phenomena
      [Lecture Ⅱ]
      Topological Effects in Quasi 1D and 2D Materials: Topological Band Engineering, Optical Selection Rules, and Excitonic Shift Currents
      Online Online Online

      1. Alessandra Buonanno

      2. Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

      3. Gravitational-wave Physics / Cosmology

      Period of visit : 2019.04.24~28 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : Apr. 25(Tue.) – 27 (Thu.), 2019 Program :

      Apr. 25 11:00~16:00 Apr. 26 14:30~16:00 Apr. 27 09:00~13:00
      [APCTP-KPS Plenary Talk]
      Gravitational Waves: A New Tool for Observing the Universe

      [2019 KPS Spring Meeting Pioneer Symposium]
      The Need for High-precision Gravitational Waveforms
      [APCTP Special Colloquium]
      Gravitational Waves: A New Tool for Observing the Universe
      [Korean Gravitational Wave Group Meeting]
      Discussion on current issues about gravitational wave
      DCC, Daejeon #201 Science Bldg. III,
      POSTECH, Pohang
      Common room, APCTP, Pohang

      1. Eugene H. Stanley

      2. Boston University

      3. Statistical Physics

      Period of visit : 2018.10.22 ~ 24 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : Oct 23 (Thu.) - 24 (Wed.), 2018 Program :

      Oct. 23 10:00~17:00 Oct. 24 13:00~14:00
      [APCTP-POSTECH Colloquium]
      Are Organizing Principles from Physics of Relevance to Economic and Social Sciences?
      [APCTP JRG Seminar]
      Are Organizing Principles from Physics of Relevance to Economic and Social Sciences?
      [APCTP JRG Consulting Session]
      [APCTP-KPS Keynote Speech]
      Are organizing principles from physics of relevance to economic and social sciences?
      PIC, POSTECH, Pohang
      & #512 APCTP, Pohang
      CECO, Changwon

      1. Professor Gerardus 't Hooft

      2. Utrecht University

      3. Particle physics

      Period of visit : 2017.10.24 ~ 28

      1. Viatcheslav Mukhanov

      2. Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics

      3. Cosmology

      Period of visit : 2017.10.24 ~ 28 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : Oct 25 (Wed.) - 28 (Sat.), 2017 Program :

      Oct. 25 13:00 Oct. 26 14:00 Oct. 27 16:00 Oct. 28 10:00
      [APCTP-KPS Keynote Speech]
      Gerardus 't Hooft “Quantum Black Holes and the Structure of Space and Time”
      [APCTP Keynote Speech]
      ViatcheslavMukhanov “Resolving Singularities in General Relativity” [APCTP Special Session]
      Gerardus 't Hooft The early days of the Standard Model - remembering Benjamin Lee
      [POSTECH-APCTP Public Lecture]
      Gerardus 't Hooft “From sub-atomic particles to black holes, a world of physics in a bird’s eye view“
      [Pohang-APCTP Public Lecture]
      ViatcheslavMukhanov “The Quantum Universe
      HICO, Gyeongju Int’l Conference Room, PIC,

      1. Professor János Kertész

      2. Central European University

      3. Statistical Physics

      4. https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/BenjaminLee2016

      Period of visit : May 23 ~ June 4, 2016 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : May 25 (Wed.)- 26 (Thur.), 2016 Place : APCTP Seminar room (Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg.-512, POSTECH) Program : https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/BenjaminLee2016/1530

      May 25 (Wed.) 10:00 a.m. May 26 (Thu.) 10:00 a.m.
      Lecture I
      Complex Networks: An introduction

      APCTP&POSTECH Colloquium
      Tracing people’s digital footprints:
      A Statistical Physics Approachto
      Social Science
      Lecture II
      Dynamics on and of Networks

      Lecture III
      Cascading Phenomena

    • Period of visit : 2015. 10. 19 ~ 10.28 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : October 25 (Sun.)- 27 (Tue.), 2015 Place : APCTP Seminar room (Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg.-512, POSTECH) Lectures : Selected Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics Program : https://www.apctp.org/plan.php/BenjaminLee2015/1348

      Oct. 25 (Sun.), 6:30 p.m. Oct. 26(Mon.), 9:30 a.m. Oct. 27(Tue.), 9:30 a.m.
      Registration & Reception Lecture I
      Hydrostatic stellar burining and onset of collapse

      Lecture II
      Core-collapse supernovae
      Lecture III
      Nucleosynthesis beyond iron

      1. Professor Chandra Varma

      2. University of California, Riverside

      3. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

      4. application sent to : sec(at)apctp.org

      Period of visit : 2014. 12. 7 ~ 12.13 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : Colloquium December 8 (Mon), Lectures December 9(Tue)-11 (Thu), 2014 Place : APCTP Seminar room (Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg.-512, POSTECH) Lectures : Selected Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics Title & Program
      Colloquium : Higgs Bosons in Condensed Matter Physics [Abstract]
      Lectures: Quantum-criticality and high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates and the Fe-based compounds

      I. Unuusal metallic states and Anisotropic Superconductivity.
          a. Phase diagram of Cuprates, Ironics and Heavy Fermion compounds.
          b. Anomalous Normal state Properties.
          c. Fermi-Liquid Theory and its violations.

      II. Anisotropic Superconductivity Promoted by Quantum-critical Fluctuations.
          a. Nature of Interactions for Anisotropic Superconductivity.
          b. Gaussian Quantum-critical Fluctuations and superconductivity promoted by them.
          c. Local Quantum-criticality in the XY model.
          d. Transformation of the problem of 2D Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations to the XY model.

      III. Superconductivity in Cuprates and Ironics.
          a. Analysis of ARPES spectra to reveal Physics of Superocnductivity in Cuprates.
          b. Model for the Ironics - Speculations on Really High Temperature Superconductivity.


      Dec. 8 (Mon)

      Dec. 9 (Tue)

      Dec. 10 (Wed)

      Dec. 11 (Thu)



      Lecture I

      Lecture II

      Lecture III

      12:00-14:00   Lunch Lunch Lunch
      15:00-15:45   Lecture I Lecture II Lecture III
      15:45-16 00   Break Break Break
      16:00-17:00 Colloquium      
      16:00-17:50   Discussion I Discussion II Discussion III
      18:30-     Banquet  

      1. Professor Eric Linder

      2. University of California, Berkeley

      3. Cosmology

      Period of visit : 2013. 11. 24 ~ 12.02 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture Series Date : November 25 (4:00 pm) / November 26 - 28 (2:00 pm), 2013 Place : APCTP Seminar room (Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg.-512), Pohang Program :

      Nov. 25 (Mon), 4:00 pm Nov. 26 (Tue), 2:00 pm Nov. 27 (Wed), 2:00 pm Nov. 28 (Thu), 2:00 pm
      The Cosmic Jigsaw Puzzle: Testing Dark Energy, Gravity, and Neutrinos
      Lecture 1
      Testing Inflation and Neutrinos with the CMB and Large Scale Structure
      Lecture 2
      Early (Dark) Energy and the CMB
      Lecture 3
      Mining the Time Domain in Astrophysics

      1. Professor Naoto Nagaosa

      2. University of Tokyo

      3. Condensed Matter Theory

      Period of visit : 2012. 8. 19 ~ 27 Benjamin Lee Professorship Lecture SeriesSkyrmions and their dynamics in helical magnets Title : Skyrmions and their dynamics in helical magnets Date & Time : August 21 (Tue), 2012, 4:30PM Place : APCTP Seminar room (Hogil Kim Memorial Bldg.-512), Pohang
      Period of visit : 2012. 3. 14 ~ 24 Title : Gauge Fields in Condensed Matter Physics [Lecture Note] Program :

      Mar. 14 (Wed) Mar. 15 (Thu) Mar. 16 (Fri) Mar. 17 (Sat)



      Lecture 3

      Lecture 5

      Excursion to Gyeongju
      Mt. Namsan


      Lecture 1

      Lecture 4

      Lecture 6


      Lecture 2







      Berry phase
      Haldane problem in 1D antiferromagnet
      Anomalous and spin Hall effect
      Topological insulators
      Topological superconductors
      Splitting electrons into fractions

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